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Werken bij Sibelco

Founded in 1872, Sibelco has grown into a truly multinational business, today operating 228 production sites in 41 countries with a team of around 10,000 people. We work closely with our customers to create real value, drawing on the Groups global resources and expertise to deliver local solutions. When our business began, Sibelcos focus was on mining quartz sand for Belgiums glass producers. These days we extract and process a broad range of non-metallic industrial minerals, all of which are being continuously developed to meet the ever changing needs of manufacturers in a wide range of industries. Like the markets we serve, our business is constantly changing. However we continuously maintain the ethos of a private company with decentralized management, short and flexible decision lines, a long-term investment horizon and an outstanding record of employee relations.

Dit bedrijf heeft op het moment geen vacatures.   Bekijk hier alle vacatures in Maastricht

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