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Werken bij Senior Living Group

Well-being and quality of life
The increase in life expectancy and the fact that we are not only getting older but also enjoy good health for longer is one of societys significant achievements but it also brings with it a responsibility and a need. Well-being and quality of life are important conditions for an increasingly larger group of people. And it is the aim of Senior Living Group to meet these conditions for these people.

Senior Living Group wants to keep things in balance and look after the interests of all its stakeholders. We put people first. Most important are the residents and their families, who we wish to provide with the best possible support and the best possible quality of life. As a group we have, in addition, the same responsibility to all our care home employees. Which is why we always try to create a pleasant working environment.

Dit bedrijf heeft op het moment geen vacatures.   Bekijk hier alle vacatures

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