MUAC is operated on the basis of the Agreement relating to the Provision and Operation of Air Traffic Services and Facilities by EUROCONTROL at the Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre (the “Maastricht Agreement”), signed on 25 November 1986 and amended on 1 July 2022.
EUROCONTROL is an international organisation established under the EUROCONTROL Convention of 13 December 1960, subsequently amended on 12 February 1981. In line with Article 15 of the EUROCONTROL Amended Convention, air traffic services at MUAC are undertaken in accordance with the national regulations in force in the respective territories and airspaces concerned.
The Maastricht Decision Making Body was established to facilitate decision making by determining a common position for the Four States (Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) in all matters relating to the operation of air traffic services at MUAC. Day-to-day responsibility for operations has been delegated to the Director of MUAC by EUROCONTROL’s Director General. Each of the Four States retains its own regulatory competence