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Werken bij Ericsson

Ericsson is a top provider of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to service providers, enabling full connectivity through innovative technology and services that are user-friendly, adaptable, and scalable. Our offerings include hardware, software, and services that enable the full value of connectivity, from 5G and IoT to virtualization, supporting the digital transformation of mobile services for the next generation. We specialize in Core Network and Automation, Managed Services, Services Orchestration, and Telecom BSS, and assist communication service providers in their transition to cloud-native software and automated operations. Our technologies, such as 5G, artificial intelligence, automation, VR/AR, and edge computing, provide vast opportunities for our customers, partners, and company. Our current focus is on high-growth markets such as Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, IoT connectivity, connected vehicles, security, and edge computing. We prioritize innovation and bring new game-changing ideas to life through Ericsson ONE. Our R&D division, consisting of approximately 26,000 employees, is at the forefront of our business, with a portfolio of over 60,000 granted patents, one of the strongest in the industry. Our customers testify to our success in increasing efficiency, enhancing digital experiences, and capturing new revenue streams.

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