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Werken bij EIPA

Our primary mission is to offer a comprehensive blend of profound insights and practical knowledge regarding EU policies to professionals engaged in EU public affairs. Our ultimate goal is to enhance their skills and capabilities for effective policy management.

We receive support from both the EU Member States and the European Commission. Our services cater to officials working in national and regional public administrations within the Member States, as well as those in the European Commission and other EU institutions. Through these connections, we have established a wide and robust network spanning across the Member States, EU institutions, bodies, and agencies.

Thanks to this extensive network and the expertise of our professionals, we are able to provide cross-national and cross-institutional comparative and analytical perspectives on EU policies. Our problem-solving approach has contributed to our long-standing reputation as experts in the field of EU public affairs.

Dit bedrijf heeft op het moment geen vacatures.   Bekijk hier alle vacatures in Maastricht

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